Friday, November 04, 2011

Author Spotlight - Paul Baines

Please enjoy my visit with author Paul Baines!

- Tell us a little about yourself. What do you like to do when you are not writing? What is your temperament, etc.?

I love to watch a good film, or listen to some music. When I’m not relaxing I am usually exercising, or watching sport. I used to be a fitness instructor so cannot imagine not being fit. I’m not a fitness fanatic, but I do like to train.

- With a full schedule, how do you find time to write?

I commute six miles to work and back on my bicycle every day, which means I have about an hour-and-a-half with nothing to do other than watch the world roll by. What I started doing a few years ago was to write my novel on the way to work. I would run through plots and narrative and dialogue in my head, and then write them down as soon as I got to a computer. It is quite effective.

- Do you spend time in prayer before you write or begin a project?

Yes, enormous amounts, especially for any work that I consider a part of my ministry. I feel that, as a Christian writer, I should do nothing without God’s blessings. My prayer used to be: please let my book be published. Now it is: please don’t let my book be published, unless you want it to be.

- What is your writing routine? Do you need peace and quiet, soft music, or does it matter?

I actually do most of my writing during my lunch break at work. My office can get quite noisy, so I usually listen to music through my headphones. I like Rachmaninoff, or a movie soundtrack if I need some inspiration.

- When creating a character, where do you begin? Do you give them a background even if it may never be mentioned in the storyline?

I tend to concentrate on the main characters. I don’t do an outline, but I imagine what they are like, and how they fit into the story. Then I let them grow organically with the story, adjusting and tweaking as I go. Sometimes this means rewriting a part of the novel, but that is just a part of writing so I don’t mind.

- Were there any scenes you found difficult to write? Made you angry or made you cry?

The hardest scene for me to write was a church scene. I was desperate to avoid being preachy, yet the scene was essential for the story. I think I managed to avoided making it preachy in the end (at least I hope I did). As for making myself cry, I did manage to make myself choke up one time. I was reading a chapter that seemed to make everyone who read it a bit teary. I wanted to see if I could identify exactly what it was that triggered the emotion. While reading it, I choked up. And, yes, I did identify the trigger.

- Can you share any upcoming projects with us?

Hmm. Well I have two finished stories with my publisher at the moment. Plus a long humorous poem for kids, written in the style of Dr Seuss. At the moment I’m busy writing a sequel to my debut novel Alpha Redemption. And I have another story waiting to be written, plus an old story that I want to rewrite and another that I am thinking about.

- Where can readers find your books and contact information?

My personal site:
My publisher:

- Thank you for visiting with us today.

Thank you for having me.

1 comment:

Frank Creed said...

I love to see Splashdown succeeding. Congrats on being a part of that!