Wednesday, November 13, 2013

So...What's Been Going On?!

It's time for an update!

What's been happening with my writing?

Let's see...

I've been done with the third manuscript for the Shayia's Adventures series. It has been sent to the publisher. While that story was in critiques, I had started a children's Sci-fi story. It's another easy-to-read book. It is almost done going through critiques. I will be self-publishing it sometime next year. I'm excited about it. I've never gone through the process, but hear a lot of good things from other writers. I've also begun working on a children's dragon story. It is coming along SLOWLY. :)

I still get excited when I'm writing. Do you? :)

I hope you are keeping up with whatever you're called to do!

Blessings - Kimberli

Monday, August 05, 2013

Hello! :)

Oh my! February was the last time I posted....SORRY! :)

So, what's been going on in my writing world, you ask? Let's see....

1. I've finished the edits for the third book in the Shayia's Adventures series. Now I wait to hear from my publisher.

2. The Lord has given me several new story ideas to put in my journal. I'm so excited to work on them.

3. I've had the awesome and humbling opportunity to critique some great stories. (If you're not in a strong critique group, please find one!)

4. I'm working hard on my WIP (work in progress), which is another easy-to-read book. However, it's a little bit more challenging length wise. The books in the Shayia's Adventures series had 16 chapters. This sci-fi story will have at least 35. They are very short chapters, though.

Well, there's probably more, but with my memory... :)

I pray you are working hard on whatever you are called to do.

Blessings - Kimberli

Thursday, February 28, 2013

Finding My Place

When the Lord first gave me the dream for the very first story in the Shayia's Adventure series, I didn't know it was going to be written for children that struggled with reading.

It was when I began to work on the outlines that He impressed on my heart to play my part in making a difference with helping children develop a love for reading.

I knew the first book could be so much more, but the Lord had a plan and I wanted to be a part of it. It broke my heart to watch my own son struggle and I knew he was not alone.

The Shayia's Adventure series is comprised of condensed stories with short chapters. As young readers work their way through each book, it is my prayer that they will be encouraged to challenge themselves with more difficult books, but first, they must take that initial step and this series will help.

My new book (a sci-fi) will also be designed for easy reading. This book will have really short chapters, but instead of 16 like my first books, this book will have 35. Now, can you imagine the joy and sense of accomplishment a young reader that struggles will have after completing a book with that many chapters. That's exciting!

I don't know how long the Lord will have me write these types of books, but for right now, I have found my place. I'm blessed to be a part of nurturing young readers.

Have you found your place?

Blessings - Kimberli

Sunday, February 03, 2013

Let the Edits Begin!

Time to edit.

The critiques are done and I've started editing the third story in the Shayia's Adventures series. To be honest with you, I'm excited about it. That might change in a few weeks.

Being a part of a ACFW critique group has been a blessing. I can't stress enough how important it is to have others take your story apart. It stings sometimes and you may not agree with all the comments, but it is worth it.

I have a lot of work ahead of me, but I welcome it.

We are praying for this book to be released in August. That will be here before I know it.

I still don't have a book title. Yikes. :)

Keep reading and writing!!

Blessings - Kimberli